IOD – Innovate or Die experience
By Andres Mendez
When I heard of Innovate or Die for the first time, I felt that it was something I want it to do.
It really caught my attention the idea of working together with people from other universities in a project from a real company with a real problem. Also the chance to make some extra money seemed like a good idea.
So I signed up hoping to have a good time and to connect with new people.
And yes it was… The experience was great! I was so lucky to be able to work with an international team and to learn a lot from them.
The challenge was not only to be able to come up with a good idea for our company but to be able to function as a team.

As a team we functioned well, we divided the different tasks and areas of work according to our gifts and expertise. The process of working together helped us to realise that even though we have such a different background and formation, all of our differences helped us to keep a good flow instead of tearing us apart.
We respected each other and and every idea was a good idea.
I believe every participant will give their own opinion according to their experience but something I take with me are all those things that I had to face, things that I was not comfortable about myself and I am happy to tell that I could overcome. It was a great experience and a honour to be part of one of the winner teams. As far as academically speaking, I earned 2 credits.

For more information about Innovate or Die in Finland please follow the link: