Welcome to blog of Seinäjoki Entrepreneurship Society!
Hi, my name is Nora Yliviikari and I am the president of Seinäjoki Entrepreneurship Society – SeiES. Before telling you about SeiES, I will say a couple of words about entrepreneurship societies. The first one was founded in 1992 in the Silicon Valley, USA, “by a group of successful entrepreneurs, corporate executives, and senior professionals (https://tieeco.org/)”. Step by step similar societies have been founded all over the world. In Finland the first entrepreneurship societies were founded in 2009 by students of higher education. During that year, AaltoES and Boost Turku were founded. Today we have 19 entrepreneurship societies in Finland and our SeiES is the youngest one of them.
Our story started at the beginning of 2017 and we have been a registered society since 21.4.2017. We are a non-profit association for students of higher education in area of South Ostrobothnia. We accept also alumni and support members. We co-operate with local companies and organizations. SeiES is run by students and its board is multidisciplinary. At the moment, we have students from five different bachelor level degree programmes and three faculties. Our vision is to be known as a local startup factory.
We want to encourage students to become entrepreneurs and inspire, develop and help them discover entrepreneurial thinking and mindset. Even if a student does not plan to become an entrepreneur in the future, we believe that it is very good to own an entrepreneurial mindset. This kind of mindset helps the student to stand out from a mass in both life and working field. It also brings extra value to their future employer. In the future, we will offer seminars, trainings, boot camps, mentoring and many other interesting events. We hope to see many of you in our upcoming activities. For students, we offer an environment where they can enhance their English skills and develop different kind of skills for their future career. Our events and projects will give work experience to volunteers. We want to create a community where people want to dream, innovate and give birth to new ideas.

Our board will use the summer to plan upcoming events and activities, so remember to follow our social media channels to see what we are planning. Take time to do something that you enjoy, charge your batteries, walk your head high in the clouds and dream big. I want to wish you all a warm, beautiful and relaxing summer full of adventures!
Best wishes
Nora Yliviikari
President of Seinäjoki Entrepreneurship Society – SeiES
P.S. Don’t hesitate to contact me: nora(at)seies.fi